The money tree, also known as Pachira Aquas, symbolizes good luck. It is a lovely green decor for any interior and is easy to care for and propagate. If you have a money tree at home or want to grow one from scratch, you might be interested in knowing how to propagate money trees differently.
Before getting into the detailed instructions, here are some things you should know:
Can a money tree root in water? Yes, it can. In fact, propagating plants in water is the simplest and fastest approach compared to others. It allows you to observe root growth progress easily. Once the roots have reached sufficient length, transferring the cuttings to the soil is simple. Let's get started!
To start, choose a healthy green stem with lots of leaves and 2 to 3 nodes - these are bumps where new leaves grow along the stem.
How do you take cuttings from a money plant? Use sharp and sterilised scissors or cutting shears, and carefully snip a 6-inch cutting, leaving about 1/2 inch below the node.
Trim off the cutting's bottom leaves and leave 2 to 3 leaves at the top. Ensure that the bottom 1/3 of the stem is leaf-free.
To promote faster and stronger root growth, soak the cut end of the cutting into the prepared rooting hormone.
Use a cup, vase or glass jar to hold the cut money tree branches, ensuring the bottom is submerged in water at room temperature. Place the bottom 1/3 of the cutting in water.
If your location lacks natural light, consider using grow lights to supplement lighting for the cuts.
Change the water every 3-5 days and watch for root development. Small white roots will appear from the bottom node submerged in the water.
The money tree cutting's root
Remember that, like fig trees and bamboo, money plants are slow growers, so be patient. Some cuttings root in a few weeks, while others may take up to 2 months.
Plant cuttings in well-drained soil when their roots reach 2 inches in length:
During the first weeks, maintain soil moisture to help the plant adapt to its new environment.
Pro tip: Get all these tools and materials at Benchmark Hydroponics for the best quality and price.
Choose a healthy green stem with many leaves and 2 to 3 nodes. Use sharp and sterilised scissors or cutting shears, and carefully snip a 6-inch cutting, leaving about 1/2 inch below the node.
Trim off the cutting's bottom leaves and leave 2 to 3 leaves at the top. Ensure that the bottom 1/3 of the stem is leaf-free.
To promote faster and stronger root growth, soak the cut end of the cutting into the prepared rooting hormone.
Prepare a 6-inch pot with drainage holes and fill it with well-draining soil. Choose a suitable soil mix (for example, mix vermiculite, pebbles, or sand into a regular potting mix). Water thoroughly after filling the pot.
Then, make a finger-sized hole in the soil and carefully place the cutting inside, ensuring the bottom 1/3 is buried in the soil. Water again to ensure the cutting receives enough moisture.
Cover your money tree cuttings with a clear plastic bag. Since money plants thrive in humidity, this temporary greenhouse will help maintain moisture.
Bend the wire hanger into a U shape and tuck the ends into the pot, placing the top of the U over the cutting. Then, cover the pot with clear plastic, ensuring it fits tightly.
Seal the bag by tucking both ends under the pot or using a rubber band.
Be patient and wait for changes to appear within 6 to 8 weeks. The first signs of new growth will sprout from the top of the plant. After that, keep your new money tree in a warm, brightly lit location.
See more: Cloning Plants: What It Is, Its Benefits & How-To.
Typically, indoor-grown money trees do not flower or produce seed pods. Therefore, to have seeds for this method, you have to buy them or get them from an outdoor money tree.
Here's how to propagate a money tree using seeds:
Collect seeds from the seed pods of your plant or buy from suppliers. If you grow a money tree outdoors, pay attention to the large, coconut-like pods on the ground below it.
Simply use a knife to open the pods and collect the round, dry, brown seeds. Remove shriveled or white seeds, as they will not germinate.
Money tree seeds
Fill your pot with well-draining soil and then water it thoroughly.
Once again, you need a pot with drainage holes at least 6 inches wide to provide your new plant ample space for growth. Whether you use a mixture of regular potting soil combined with vermiculite, pebbles, or sand, ensure the soil is moist enough after watering.
If you have many seeds, just add one seed per pot.
Use your finger to make a hole about 1/4 inch deep in the centre of the pot. Place the seed inside with the pale spot, or eye, facing sideways towards you. Then, gently cover the seeds with soil just below the surface.
After sowing the seeds, create the ideal conditions mentioned in the two methods above:
If you don't have a suitable warm sunny spot, place a heating mat under the pot and add a grow light above it to create the optimal environment for the seeds to germinate.
Watch for seedling emergence in about a week while maintaining regular watering. Money tree seeds usually germinate quickly, with baby plants sprouting within 7 to 10 days. After about two weeks, the money tree will grow pointed leaves and develop nearly double in height.
Once you've successfully propagated your money tree, there are things to consider to avoid common money tree issues and ensure the plant flourishes:
See more: How To Propagate Pine Trees: Step-By-Step Guide for Starters
Learning how to propagate a money tree is simple, and once you know the process, it becomes a fulfilling experience. That's how you expand your plant collection while sharing the money tree's luck and financial well-being symbolism with your family. For those interested in more lucky plants, check out our guide on propagating a peach tree.
Yes, you can grow money trees from a cutting. Actually, stem cuttings are the fastest method for propagating these plants.
To propagate money plant babies:
Step 4: Water thoroughly and place them under indirect light.