Sierra Natural Science 203 Soil Drench/Foliar Spray is the best way to protect your plants. A number of advantages provided by our Root Drench Pesticide are intended to improve your gardening experience. This potent mixture successfully stops the growth of fungus and algae while dehydrating and getting rid of bugs. Our insecticide offers continuous defence throughout the plant's lifecycle and can be applied up until harvest day (0-Day REI). When used as instructed, it is EPA Exempt Fifra 25 (b), assuring a safe environment for your cherished plants, kids, and pets.
How Our SNS Root Drench Pesticide Works
Understanding the origins of insect infestations is the first step in eliminating them. Pests like beach flies, fungus gnats, and other insects can proliferate as a result of excessive moisture in soil and containers. By utilising active components that dehydrate and kill bugs as well as deal with the presence of fungus and algae, Sierra Natural Science 203 takes on this problem head-on. This water-soluble formula's consistently potent ingredients include botanical extracts of rosemary and clove that are 100% pure. Our insecticide is free from EPA registration under FIFRA section 25(b), biodegradable, and non-toxic to animals. It is appropriate for a variety of plants, fruits, and vegetables, providing all-around security.
Pests our Root pesticides repels & kills
203 repels and kills Root Aphids, Fungus Gnat, White Flies, Gnat Larvae, Thrips & more.
Where to Use SNS’s Root Drench Insecticide
Home & Gardens
Mixing Compatibility
Do not mix 203 with other products
How to Mix our Root Drench Concentrate for use
Root Drench: Shake well before mixing. Mix 2-4 oz. per gallon of water. Thoroughly drench affected and surrounding area.
Foliar Spray: Mix 2-6 oz. per gallon of water. Spray foliage to the point of runoff.
Hydroponics:Hydro Tray: Pour solution over roots & drain into the system. Flush system after use.
Bucket Drench: Soak the root system in a 5-gallon bucket for 5-10 minutes. Rinse, and return to the system.